8 post(s)


[vc_column width="2/3"] IMMACULATA 2024 | GER | fiction | 2K | 1:85:1 | 5.1 | 23 minDerya is pregnant, but she hasn’t had sex. As ...


[vc_column width="2/3"] Berzah Short, Germany 2019, 25 min,  1:1,85 , 2K Video/DCP Ein Stromausfall in einem All-inclusive Hotel; ein Wiedersehen am Rande einer Steppe; und ...

Im Leuchtturm

[vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/275266428" el_width="80"][vc_column_inner width="2/3"] Im Leuchtturm​ Deutschland 2018, 30 min, 1:1,85 Eine Kneipe, neun Gäste und eine Wirtin: Das Kammerspiel taucht ein in den sozialen Mikrokosmos ...


Despair Experimental Short | Germany / Netherlands 2018 | 22min | 1:1,85 | 16mm/2k Video DESPAIR works with cinematic reenactments, which are connected in an ...

El Fin del Mundo

[vc_column_inner width="2/3"] EL FIN DEL MUNDO Colombia / Germany 2018, Soft thriller, 16:37min, 16mm to DCP.Director: Tilman Singer Director of Photography: Paul Faltz Production Design: Dario Mendez Acosta Original Music: Simon Waskow an Academy ...


[vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/112183767"] Elephant Experimental, Germany 2014, 4:30 min, 1:2,35, 16mm to VideoElephant is an experimental film which mediates on the inexpressible nature of misconceptions. The ...
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